Gems have been the object of man’s fascination ever since thier discovery. Today modern scientific gemology is giving an insight into character and behaviour of gems. The study of gemology is relevant to the trader , the dealer, the artisan or anyone fascinated by Gemstones, especially the lady in the house who appreciates gems for their beauty and ornamental value. From trade point of view Gems and Jewellery has been one of the largest foreign exchange earners for India and substantial potential needs to be tapped at home. It is therefore highly necessary that people associated with the trade receive training and carry out the operations scientifically and professionally so as to achieve greater success. In today’s world of modern synthetic gems , it is no longer safe to rely on one’s senses for identification of a wide variety of Gems. Today in India the Gems & Jewellery scenario is undergoing a positive change with diamonds and stones like Tanzanite, Tourmalines, Peridots dominating the consumer preference. At the same time traditionally preferred Gems like Rubies, Sapphires and Emeralds have maintained a consistent position. The gems and jewellery sector is expanding with International companies like De Beers and Argyle doing diamond promotion in India and well organized companies like Tanishq entering the jewellery scene. It is therefore highly necessary that people associated with Gems and Jewellery trade learn the international terminology and techniques of conducting their trade and business and create an international environment of quality and ethical trade practices by taking scientific training in the field. |